Don't miss this!

That's right, the second issue of the DST newsletter is now finished! You should all givw a special thank you to Mel who worked on her birthday to get this done. It's packed full of lots of fun articles and information so be sure to check it out! (If you're not signed up over at DST but would like to check it out, just let me know and I'll get you a copy.)
So Jen Wilson is having a contest over at her site. I wasn't sure I wanted to enter at first simply because you have to buy all her products to participate and a part of me doesn't really like that. I realize that it's a great marketing scheme but I just don't like that there's no option to participate without purchasing her stuff. Anyway I gave in since I love a good contest and the style of the kit was cute. So, here's my first week's entry:

The whole point of the contest is to create more meaningful pages. You can see this week's assignment here, as well as all the other entries here. There are no eliminations so it should interesting to see how everything plays out.
I've also got a few other pages that I finished but had never posted on here. I decided to go ahead and try out these templates that everyone has been raving about. I will admit that they're a lot of fun but somehow I don't get the same satisfaction knowing that I didn't come up with the design. Maybe it's just that they don't fit my style. But it was fun to try them out and they certainly do speed things up!
The first layout is just a fun pic from when went to the beach here in Korea. It uses Lyndsay Riches' Cool Summer kit found here at PDW.

The second one is just a cute picture of Alyssa and this "dog-bear" we found here in Korea at E-Mart, which is like a crazy Korean Wal-Mart. The dog is so adorable and soft, I so want to buy one, hehe. The kit is Urban Femme by Leah Riordan - you can find it here.

And last but not least, my favorite one! This was based on the sketch challenge over at The Digi Chick, so it's not my usual style but I really really love it! And the kit by Holly is awesome! Love the colors! You can find it as well as the other pieces of the collection here at PDW.

That's all I've got for now! It's been a long day getting the newsletter all finished up so I'm going to spend the evening relaxing. At least I didn't stay up all night like poor Mel! TTYL!
Hey Lynnette! I'm all rested up and recovered from the Sept issue. Good to get back to RL! Weird how that one 24-36 hour stretch really throws you out of wack. :\
Let's get together sometime this month and talk about firming some things up for continutity in next issue - k?
Great looking pages! Love the HUGS especially! :)
take care.. M
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