I met a 4-star general today!
I really did! General BB Bell, who is the commander in charge of all of USFK. I had agreed to go to a spouses' luncheon today because Adam called me saying they needed someone to go. He'd told me it was FRG related so I wasn't really too excited about going. But it ended up not being too bad! The general went around to each table so we all got to shake his hand and introduce ourselves. Then he and his wife gave some short speeches about how awesome we are for being military wives and the sacrifice of that. Then they opened up the floor for questions and any issues we had. Most of the issues weren't really anything too major: not enough parking at the schools, why some people get cars when others don't, that kind of thing. Nothing I would consider earth-shattering in terms of importance. But we did get a free lunch out of the deal as well as the general's coin. I'm pretty sure Adam is jealous that I got one, since when I showed him, he was all "Aww, you got the good one!" LOL It just looks like a fancy coin, if you ask me. ;) So yeah, that was my excitement for today.
Oh I've been tagged! Melanie tagged me which means that I have to follow these rules and then tag other people. Since I can't think of anyone that hasn't already been tagged in my limited number of blogs that I read, I'll just leave it open ended. If you'd like to be tagged, consider yourself tagged. ;) Here's what you have to do:
List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. (Am I the only one that thinks it's weird you'd write about your pets? Like you don't have a self to write about? hehe)
Tag 5 friends and list them.
Those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people. Don't forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog! Here are my weird things:
1. I hate green beans.
2. I'm really picky about food texture. I usually dislike something for the texture more than the taste.
3. I'm originally from Hollister, CA. (Like the store, but not. The beach is at least 30-45 minutes away and as far as I know there is no surf or ski club. Oh, but my sister's friend did have someone ask her where she got her super cool "hollister P.E." shorts LOL)
4. I don't like Korean food. I personally don't think this is weird but based on the reaction I get here apparently it is.
5. Adam says I can't leave a glass of water empty - I always leave like a quarter of an inch left. Like the girl in the movie Signs. But I don't think it's to ward off aliens. hehe
I did finish up a new layout last night which is one of my favorite's I've done lately. It uses Holly's new Pep Talk kit which you can find here at PDW. I'd been planning on doing something with these photos and then when I saw she was releasing that kit I knew the colors would go perfectly with the photo. So here it is:

Pretty, isn't it?
And I promised I'd be bringing something new to the blog so I figured I'd go ahead and unveil it. Drum roll please...ok so it's not really that exciting...but you know what it is...

Spiffy, no? So since the new TV season is getting into full swing I thought I would start a new section of my blog to rant, rave, or praise the various shows that I watch. I usually do it as I'm watching but it tends to bug Adam. hehe So yeah, should be fun, I hope. LOL
Ok first up, Gilmore Girls! The first episode aired this week and I had prepared by watching the last season last week. Yeah, I'm a dork like that. LOL But does anyone else thinks it's weird how adament Lorelai is about it being over with Luke? I get that he didn't make a decision right away but sheesh, a day later seems like it should be close enough. Oh well, since this is probably the last season, my guess is they'll drag it out for awhile and it will end with Lorelai ending up with someone. Who is anyone's guess.
Ok that's all I've got for now. Till next time...
Oh I've been tagged! Melanie tagged me which means that I have to follow these rules and then tag other people. Since I can't think of anyone that hasn't already been tagged in my limited number of blogs that I read, I'll just leave it open ended. If you'd like to be tagged, consider yourself tagged. ;) Here's what you have to do:
List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. (Am I the only one that thinks it's weird you'd write about your pets? Like you don't have a self to write about? hehe)
Tag 5 friends and list them.
Those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people. Don't forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog! Here are my weird things:
1. I hate green beans.
2. I'm really picky about food texture. I usually dislike something for the texture more than the taste.
3. I'm originally from Hollister, CA. (Like the store, but not. The beach is at least 30-45 minutes away and as far as I know there is no surf or ski club. Oh, but my sister's friend did have someone ask her where she got her super cool "hollister P.E." shorts LOL)
4. I don't like Korean food. I personally don't think this is weird but based on the reaction I get here apparently it is.
5. Adam says I can't leave a glass of water empty - I always leave like a quarter of an inch left. Like the girl in the movie Signs. But I don't think it's to ward off aliens. hehe
I did finish up a new layout last night which is one of my favorite's I've done lately. It uses Holly's new Pep Talk kit which you can find here at PDW. I'd been planning on doing something with these photos and then when I saw she was releasing that kit I knew the colors would go perfectly with the photo. So here it is:

Pretty, isn't it?
And I promised I'd be bringing something new to the blog so I figured I'd go ahead and unveil it. Drum roll please...ok so it's not really that exciting...but you know what it is...

Spiffy, no? So since the new TV season is getting into full swing I thought I would start a new section of my blog to rant, rave, or praise the various shows that I watch. I usually do it as I'm watching but it tends to bug Adam. hehe So yeah, should be fun, I hope. LOL
Ok first up, Gilmore Girls! The first episode aired this week and I had prepared by watching the last season last week. Yeah, I'm a dork like that. LOL But does anyone else thinks it's weird how adament Lorelai is about it being over with Luke? I get that he didn't make a decision right away but sheesh, a day later seems like it should be close enough. Oh well, since this is probably the last season, my guess is they'll drag it out for awhile and it will end with Lorelai ending up with someone. Who is anyone's guess.
Ok that's all I've got for now. Till next time...
love gilmore girls!! my girls and i watch it every afternoon after school!
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